Industrial Disease

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act, your employer has a duty of care to you as an employee and must protect you from any health risks in the workplace. However this duty at times is breached by employers and clients are entitled to pursue a claim for compensation.

Our industrial disease team has years of experience in helping clients receive compensation for industry related injuries.

If you have worked in an excessively noisy environment, without adequate hearing protection or training, you may be entitled to claim compensation if you are suffering from hearing problems or deafness

If you have worked in an excessively noisy environment, without adequate hearing protection or training, you may be entitled to claim compensation if you are suffering from hearing problems or deafness

Get in touch today

Some common problems associated with Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) include

Workers in the following industries often suffer from symptoms of NIHL or Tinnitus

If you have suffered any injury as a result of work, speak to a member of our industrial team now, who operate on a No Win, No Fee service.

Some common problems associated with Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) include

Using subtitles or having the TV or radio on the highest volume

Having a telephone or mobile phone on the loudest setting

Requiring a louder doorbell

Struggling to hear or participate in conversations where there is background noise

Constant ringing or buzzing in one or both ears (Tinnitus)

Workers in the following industries often suffer from symptoms of NIHL or Tinnitus


Coal Mining




Plant and Machinery

Food Manufacturing


If you have suffered any injury as a result of work, speak to a member of our industrial team now, who operate on a No Win, No Fee service.

Get in touch today